Depth Of Field by John Parker. Performed by Nozomi Omote and Trichotomy
** Usually $80. Special introductory price $60! **
A unique digital package: Score, Parts, Backing Tracks and Video
Notes from the composer:
In photography, the term Depth of Field relates to the “the distance between the nearest and the farthest objects that are in acceptably sharp focus in an image”. I’ve been interested in this concept for some time and how it could translate into music through the use of poly-tonal and poly-rhythmic manipulation. In the group Trichotomy we often experiment with these concepts in real time via improvisation and extended sections which provide scope for this to occur.
Composers such as Prokofiev and Stravinsky have been key influences on my writing and how they have used poly-tonality and rhythm to great effect. I wanted to use this opportunity to extend my harmonic and rhythmic palette.
My interest in Poly/cross/displaced rhythms is evident from the onset of this piece. Although the piece is set in three four time, this is not immediately apparent. The piece starts with a rhythmically displaced Tamborim ostinato which is meant to instantly “muddy the water” as to the precise location of beat one.
The subsequent Hi-Hat entry provides some grounding, however it is outlining two dotted crotchets to the bar, again blurring the time and leaving things open to interpretation for the audience.
I aimed for interesting melodic, harmonic and rhythmic elements in this piece in an attempt to extend myself and the performers. Several performance options are available for a soloist through to full ensemble and backing tracks have been provided for this purpose. Untuned percussion parts can be performed with real life musicians dedicated to a single percussion instrument, the performers in the jazz trio and percussion soloist with a loop pedal or via the backing tracks provided in any instrumental combination.
This piece would be suitable for an advanced level high school or university student soloist through to full ensemble.
Vibraphone – includes Tamborim and abovementioned untuned percussion solo instruments
Marimba – includes small woodblock part
Piano – includes muted piano rhythm, which can be substituted for almost any small hand held untuned percussion instrument
Double Bass – Includes slapping/striking the bass itself, however as abovementioned for the piano, can be substituted with another untuned percussion instrument
Drum set – a standard jazz setup will suffice, however feel free to add/remove whichever instruments you like. You may also use another performer to cover the high hat and tom tom ostinato to free up the drum set player for more improvisation opportunities
Percussion 1 – Tamborim and untuned percussion solo – Floor Tom, Snare Drum and Cymbal (optional – can be played on the Vibraphone part with a loop pedal)
Percussion 2 – Small woodblock (optional if played via the marimba part and a loop pedal)
Percussion 3 – Piano muted notes or small handheld untuned percussion instrument (optional if played by the piano player)
Percussion 4 – Small bass drum or low floor tom
Stems Player – Depth of Field
Video –
This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body