Hope In My Pocket – Free download


To celebrate the release of “Hope In My Pocket” featuring Prepared Sounds co-founder Sean Foran, Prepared Sounds are offering the sheet music for the title track for FREE for a limited time.

** Make sure you select “Free Checkout” during the checkout process and then go to the downloads section in “My Account”


About the track:

This is collaborative work, composed by Kristin, Rafael and Sean about a specific story of a 15-year-old boy from Brisbane who lied about his age to the authorities in order to be allowed to serve his country.

His parents found out about this, and seeing that he desperately wanted to go, eventually they decided to write to the authorities themselves not only to alert them of his age, but also to request that he be allowed to serve although to be spared the position of being put in the front line.

He returned from war safely. The refers to the concept of what someone brings and carries with them to sustain hope and to

Music & Lyrics: Kristin Berardi, Sean Foran, Rafael Karlen

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